Ba Ba Beba

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BA BA BEBA – By Nykk Deetronic


Music Video Dedicated to our baby Alexa

BA BA BEBA – By Nykk Deetronic

♥ Najzad smo ovekovečili pesmicu posvećenu našem maleckom bebencetu Aleksi, Maksimovom mlađem bratu… A i mi smo malo “omatorili” i skupili kose u “ćube” 🙂 Inače – i Maksim i Aleksa su pevali ovu melodiju dok su imali između 2 i 3 godine. Pevuše je dok smo u parku, idemo u vrtić ili se šetamo pored mora. Aleksa je pevao “Ba Ba Beba” a MaksimTi Ti Riti“.

♥ We have finally immortalized the song dedicated to our little baby Alexa, Maxim’s younger brother… And we have also ‘aged’ a bit and tied our hair in “buns” 🙂 By the way, both Maxim and Alexa sang this melody when they were between 2 and 3 years old. They hum it while we are in the park, going to kindergarten, or walking by the sea. Aleksa sang it as ‘Baa Baa Baby’ and Maksim as ‘Ti Ti Riti’.


♥ Idea, Graphics, Animation, Video Editing, VisualFX, Song Compositing, Sound Effects & Audio Design by:
Nikola Tomic / Nykk Deetronic

♥ Additional Gfx by:
Arpad Barna & Dragan Tomić

♥ Animations by:
Nikola Tomic / Nykk Deetronic

♥ All Vocals (Pevanje / Singing) by:
trogodišnji Aleksa dečačić (3yo baby boy Alexa)

♥ Voices by:
Aleksa (Alexa): Aleksa Tomić Rauški
Maksim (Maxim): Maksim Tomić Rauški
Mama (Mommy): Jelena Rauški
Tata (Daddy): Nikola Tomić
Lajala: kuca-Maša: real-life Masha Tomic Rauski, the Maltese puppy / pet

♥ All SoundFX and Songs are composed using:
#Renoise Music Tracker (traditionally) 🙂

odnosno – ko se sve pojavljuje u videu / who appears in the video:

Aleksa beba, Maksim, Mama, Tata, kuca Masha, Baka Rajka, Deka Mile, Teta Goga, Seka Milica i Seka Maja, zabe Zababe, pilici, krava, roze pticica, Cici-Bo, Kiša
Alexa the Baby, Maxim, Mommy, Daddy, Masha the Puppy, Grandparents Rajka & Mile, Aunt Goga, Maxim & Alexa’s sisters: Milly & Maya, frogs, chickens, the Cow, rose flying entity… and Cici-Bo & Kisha (on the playground)…

♥ Svi iz “Maksimovih Avantura” su ovde, uvećani za jednog maleckog člana, bebu Aleksu, (Aki se rodio 2020. godine) te se naziv “Mama Voli Bebu” pretvara u “Mama Voli Bebe” 😉 a “Maksimove Avanture” postaju “Maksim i Aleksa“.

♥ Everybody from the children serie “Maxim’s Adventures” are here, in this animated music video, in addition to the smallest baby Alexa, so “Mommy Loves Baby” becomes “Mommy Loves Babies” 😉 and “Maxim’s Adventures” are now “Maxim & Alexa“.

♥ Support Me, My Work, My Channel, Our Family that exists in real life 🙂 Cartoons are full life translated to a cartoons (or “100% Based on a True Story” 🙂 So:


★★★ Moji linkovi | My Links:

   / djnykk   or    / @deetronic – This is my Youtube Channel with Cartoons &

   / @nikolatomic   – This is my more personal, “Real Life” channel where I upload from time to time just Videos for Fun! – My (Nykk / DJNykk)’s Official Portfolio Website

  • Other links you can find from my web site, just scroll to the bottom of the each page.

All Audio-Visual Content (Idea, Design, Characters, Music Compositions, Sound Recording & Sound Design (SFX), Lyrics, Animations, Logos and Movies) used on this YouTube channel (and other medias) are Invented and Registered as a Trademarks under the name “Mama Voli Bebu” ® / “Mommy Loves Baby” ® & “Maksimove Avanture” ® by its Creator Nikola Tomic (ex djnick) or Nykk Deetronic / Deetronic Design Studio. ® Copyrighted © 1991-2024 by Nikola Tomic / Deetronic Design Studio:

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